Podcast For Your Business
Lauren Rothlisberger

Digital Strategy Director

Podcast For Business Growth

As I watch my teenager bop around the kitchen making a snack, I ask her a question. She, of course, doesn’t hear me, because like all teens since the Sony walkman of the 80s, she has something in her ears. I sigh, get her attention, ask my original question, and then I ask her what she is listening to. She responds, “oh, just a podcast.” If there is one piece of media that seems to be able to straddle the generational gap, it is podcasts. Now, sure the topics may vary, but the medium is strong. 

Many of you are familiar, I am sure, but for those of you who are not, podcasts are on-demand talk shows. Now they come in many different formats and styles, but be sure there is a podcast for nearly any topic you can think of. It is this fact that can lead businesses down a dangerous path. On many an occasion, I have heard a small business owner flippantly throw out, “I think we might start a podcast to help grow our audience.”

Do You Need to Start a Podcast?

Wait, stop. Podcasts can help grow your business, but starting a podcast might not be the right answer. If the passion is to put together a podcast, then that is one thing. If that is the case, you are building a new product, and that is a different project altogether. 

Starting a podcast might not be the most effective way to expand an audience, but leveraging an existing podcast is an excellent way to market yourself or your company. Just like people use social media platforms to share personal or business information, podcasters use shows/episodes as a way to connect to people with similar interests. The beauty of engaging with a podcast is that you can take advantage of an existing group of people, and unlike a social media post, the content sticks around longer. People often go back and listen to older episodes when they discover a podcast. 

Now that I have you convinced, how do you get on one of these things? First off, you have to decide whether you want to be a guest or an advertiser. The most authentic way is to go on as a guest, but there is certainly value to considering both. Below is an outline of how you can line up your podcast calendar.

What Podcasts do you Want to Target First?

Look for podcasts that overlap with your topic, but be sure to think outside the box. Whether you have a service or product, think of all the types of people that could be interested in it. If you are a contractor, you may want to go on a show about home decorating to share some small DIY project tips. As you are looking for podcasts to approach, consider the size of you or your business and the size/popularity of the podcast. It is easier to start small.

Who Should Represent Your Company?

Lots of different people can be on a podcast, it doesn’t just have to be “c-suite” people. Different people working a variety of jobs will connect with different podcasts for different reasons.

Pitch Your Idea/Your Business Months Out.

You have to think ahead with podcasts. Many podcasters pan their calendar out well in advance. If you want to be a show, get in touch now. You will have more luck getting on short notice with smaller brands.

How do you Pitch Your Podcast?

You can set up a page on your website that acts as a media package. When you pitch the podcast, use this link to share more about why a podcaster would be interested in you. If you need any extra help setting this up, First Flight Agency can point you in the right direction.

Marketing your business through podcasting is not effort-free, but the potential to reach highly engaged people you have never come across before is a valuable opportunity.

Oh, and that podcast my daughter was listening to, “Swish and Flick,” a fan podcast about Harry Potter. Told you there was something for everyone.