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Social Media Can’t Be That Hard… right?!
Courtney Hickson

Digital Account Manager

It May Seem Easy, but It’s Certainly Not Simple

When it comes to marketing today, one of the easiest ways to get your brand out in front of the world is through social media, but there are MANY fatal mistakes that a business can make when trying to stay relevant on social media.


There are a few key things that will help you create a strategy that works for you and your business when it comes to social media. First, is your voice. Your voice is how your business speaks as a whole. Many different factors can go into this decision, such as who you’re speaking to or who your audience is. Think of your voice as if your business were its own person.

Tip: Give your voice a persona. Actually, write out a person who is talking. What is their background? How would they dress? Where would they hang out? This way, when you are writing, you are considering, “what would John Doe have to say about this”?


Next, is your tone. This is how your voice may change depending on the content included in your post, or even what is going on in the world at that time. For example, a photo of your staff on a Friday, excited for the weekend, will have a different tone than a post explaining you will have to close the shop for a few days due to unforeseen circumstances. The voice will remain the same; however, the tone will change.

Tip: Always check your scheduled posts. The world is a dynamic place, and certain posts that are clever and fun can come across as insensitive or blunt through the lens of a current event. Don’t be tone-deaf.


Your voice and tone may also change based on the channel. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., all serve very different purposes, and due to that fact, it is important to alter your message to fit within each channel.

Tip: Study other businesses’ social media accounts and posts. In your opinion, what works? What falls short? Does it seem to align with their message? After all, a consumer will form an opinion on your business the same way you form opinions about theirs.

These things are very important to establish early on when it comes to your business’s social media strategy. Based on a study done by Global Web Index, “97% of digital consumers have used social media in the past month.” Evidently, social media is crucial, and the success of your business may be dependent on what these online consumers are seeing.

With many difficult things going on in the world today, it is important to be aware and cautious when posting on social media. This may not be as difficult as one might think, however. When it comes to social media in a controversial or fragile state of the world, speak in the way you want people to perceive your business and those who make your business what it is. Sometimes, that means not saying anything at all, and sometimes it’s making your voice heard. Whichever way you feel is necessary is probably the best way to move forward with social media. Be aware, be cautious, and be human, because at the end of the day, your business is run by individuals who make up your community, and it’s important to show that every once in a while.

We have created a short list of basic Social Media Best Practices for you to keep in mind when you’re working on posts and strategy.