Keith Borshak, Creative Director
How Coinbase Won The Superbowl Ads War
Keith Borshak

Creative Director

Coinbase Wins the Super Bowl Ads War without any celebrities, no expensive special effects, and not even a logo.

Here’s why.

Ideas matter. Executions, no matter how much money and celebrity you put behind them, can rarely motivate people to actually DO something like a great idea can. Proof of this is that so many people scanned the floating QR code that the Coinbase website temporarily went down. 

How many times have you been told by advertisers to “Act Now, Call 1-800… Don’t Wait, Go to www.,” etc.?

Good ads don’t always resonate with everyone. Many people were scratching their heads when the bouncing QR code, reminiscent of the old Screen Saver from your DVD player (remember those?), traveled around the television screen. Those people scratching their heads were most likely, not the target audience.

Kudos to Accenture Interactive for their triumph. With so many companies struggling to survive, it’s nice to see that there is still hope for a simple idea to make an impact without spending crazy amounts of money on production.

Related Resources:

Coinbase Super Bowl Ad Crashes Its App

Marketing vs. Advertising