What We Did

Brand Revitalization
Logo Design
Website Design
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While juggling two websites and four logos under a brand that didn’t clearly portray what they did, Moore County Partners in Progress was ready to rebrand and consolidate their organization into a more centralized source for those looking to relocate to Moore County. First Flight created a cohesive rebrand for the organization and a newly designed website that brings all their information to one place with an elevated user experience.

The Problem

The Problem

Unclear branding, multiple logos and information spread (often repeated) across two websites did not reflect the organization, and maintenance took up valuable time. Moore County Partners in Progress needed a modern rebrand, and a more streamlined information system for those looking to relocate to Moore County.

Our Solution

Our Solution

To present a professional image for Moore County Partners in Progress, First Flight Agency dug in to understand the history and function of the organization as well as their available data and analytics. With this knowledge, First Flight proposed a single website as a hub for all relocation avenues and a new name, Moore County Economic Development Partnership. The new name perfectly defined the group’s mission, and First Flight created a contemporary logo and strategy to deploy and sustain the new brand effectively.

Website Design & Development

First Flight digital strategists developed a content strategy that included user needs, business objectives, user personas and scenarios, content types, functionality requirements, voice, tone, site structure, and mood board. A lot of time was spent initially identifying the primary users of the site, what they are looking for, and the tone of voice the site should have. Planning for color schemes and the new logo also helped steer the website design and organization of the content for the ultimate user experience. The result? A well-developed, well-planned website full of helpful information with an easy-to-navigate design.

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With their new brand deployed, First Flight created a series of connected print advertisements for MCEDP utilizing the new logo, tagline, local photography and a unifying message that clearly defines their mission.

Moore 100

Moore 100 is an exclusive group of leaders who support economic development in Moore County. The invitation-only membership is capped at 100 people. Since they are an integral piece to MCEDP, First Flight Agency created a logo for the group following the visual guidelines developed for MCEDP that infused ‘Moore’ and ‘100’ into a unique and clever alpha-numeric design.